Many more Amtrak services on Google Transit

Many more Amtrak services are now included in the the transit trip planner in Google Maps.  Thank you to Tom West and “orulz”, who commented on my Coast Starlight post and notified readers of the newly available services. It’s now possible to plan a transit trip across the United States using Google Maps.  Including intercity […]

Coast Starlight Amtrak service on Google Transit

The Coast Starlight Amtrak service, which runs between Seattle, Washington and Los Angeles, California, launched on Google Transit recently. As far as I can tell, additional other rail services, besides five regional Amtrak services already launched, have not been added to Google Transit yet.  We can expect that all Amtrak services will eventually be added. […]

Amtrak services in Google Transit

Last month, several Amtrak services around the United States were quietly added to Google Transit.  Was this a response to Brendan’s earlier blog post on the issues with the trip planner at  Probably not.  But I’m very happy to see Amtrak services added so that it’s possible to plan transit itineraries across regional and […]