Beautiful in simplicity: Mendocino Transit Authority’s redesigned website

Mendocino Transit Authority (MTA) provides a network of long distance, commute and local fixed routes, plus local dial-a-ride services in California’s Mendocino County (population 88,000). The agency’s 2800-square-mile service area of rugged coastline and rolling hills north of San Francisco encompasses cities and towns, vineyards and farms. MTA customers include tourists, students, farmworkers and professionals. […]

Trinity Transit awarded as “Outstanding Rural Transportation Service”

The California Association of Coordinated Transportation awarded Trinity Transit as “Outstanding Rural Transportation Service.” Trillium worked with a team led by Transit Marketing, with support from A-M-M-A on the Transit Mobility Awareness Plan.  Trillium created the new Trinity Transit website that makes regional and local service easy to understand. Congratulations, Trinity Transit! Making rural transit service attractive and easy-to-use is the new website for the transit service in Trinity County, California.  It replaces the previous website that was group of sub-pages at the Trinity County Transportation Commission website. There are about 14,000 people who live in Trinity County.  Despite the small scale of the Trinity Transit service, the agency believed it was important to […]