Recap of Transportation Camp session “Social Media is B.S.”

[View the story “Recap of Social Media is B.S.” on Storify] Recap of Social Media is B.S. This year at Transportation Camp DC, I hosted a session called “Social Media is B.S.” I am late in posting some post-session reflections, but still wanted to share. Storified by Aaron Antrim· Tue, Apr 09 2013 22:18:09 TransportationCamp is an […]

Getting real about the utility of social media for public transit

Some consultants and advocates claim that social media is significantly transforming how transit agencies communicate with their passengers and market their services.  Social media has been a reoccurring topic in transit conference programs for several years.   Frankly, I believe the potential of social media for transit is often oversold — following a reoccurring pattern of hype […]