When transit became harder to use

This all sucks. So first off—I hope you’re well. I hope that wherever you and your family, biological and chosen, are, you’re safe. I hope you see some hope in this time. This sucks particularly for transit. Trains and buses and vans and shared transportation in general did not need social distancing, but rather a […]

A plan for TRB

Time to get on a train or plane for the annual sojourn to DC with thousands of our colleagues. TRB is a chance to set the tone for the year and I find it useful to go in with a short list of philosophical objectives to guide my approach to conversations and events. Here are […]

What is Trillium doing?

Trillium’s mission is on our homepage: we make transit easier to use. Living up to that mission is the purpose of our work. We believe that more transit trips and fewer driving trips means a safer and more just world, but we also see that driving is easy while taking transit is too often tough. […]