
’s recent blog articles

Supporting our Community

Over the last couple months, Trillium and Trillium staff have made donations to the following organizations to support the invaluable work they do for our communities. We encourage others to learn about and give to these organizations, and to let us know about more we should support. Atlanta Solidarity Fund The Bail Project Black Lives […]

A bike called “Trillium”

Over the last couple of months Trillium has been making weekly donations to different local non-profit organizations. Our staff is working fully from home these days, so we opted to take the money normally spent on lunches and snacks and instead direct it into our community. Last week we made a donation to Bikes for […]

When transit became harder to use

This all sucks. So first off—I hope you’re well. I hope that wherever you and your family, biological and chosen, are, you’re safe. I hope you see some hope in this time. This sucks particularly for transit. Trains and buses and vans and shared transportation in general did not need social distancing, but rather a […]

A plan for TRB

Time to get on a train or plane for the annual sojourn to DC with thousands of our colleagues. TRB is a chance to set the tone for the year and I find it useful to go in with a short list of philosophical objectives to guide my approach to conversations and events. Here are […]